The Power of Discipline

When we hear the word ‘ Discipline’, we are automatically reminded of convents and boot camps. If you want a life filled with happiness that can be sustained, you need to bring in some rules. I encourage you to not be immediately put off the idea of addition some discipline to your life. I am sure that this video course will give you a fresh perspective on DISCIPLINE and help you realize how it improves your life. You are going to learn... 1- Introduction 2- The Art of Discipline 3- Benefits of Self-Discipline 4- Why Poor Discipline Can Destroy You 5- 7 Strategies to Build Unbreakable Self-Discipline 6- How Highly Successful People Develop Powerful Self-Discipline 7- The Superiority of Discipline Over Motivation 8- Conclusion Happy learning With love Dinoj Damodar

8 Lessons

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The Art of Discipline

Benefits of Self-Discipline

Why Poor Discipline Can Destroy You

7 Strategies to Build Unbreakable Self-Discipline

How Highly Successful People Develop Powerful Self-Discipline

The Superiority of Discipline Over Motivation
